Article #61: Vintage 1964 Lymette Soda Bottle


In our 61st article we are looking at this vintage Lymette soda bottle from 1964. Lymette was introduced in 1962 by the Grapette Company joining the other drinks in the Grapette line like Orangette, Lemonette, Mr. Cola and Sunburst to name a few. On the front of the bottle you have the Lymette logo at the top and in the middle as well as an illustration of bubbles. Under that it says Sparkling Bubbling Enchanting and it points out that it is 10 ounces. 

On the back of the bottle you have the Lymette logo at the top and in the middle like on the front as well as the ingredients and where it was bottled. This one was bottled in Camden, Arkansas.

Here is a close up look at the front of the bottle.

                                       Here is a close up of the logo at the top of the bottle.

      Here is a close up of the bottom of the bottle where it says 64 meaning it was made in 1964.


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