Article #37: Vintage 1947 Orangette Soda Bottle


Here in our 37th article we are looking at this vintage Orangette soda bottle from 1947. Orangette was introduced in 1947 as a part of the Grapette line of drinks along with Lemonette, Lymette, Mr. Cola and Sunburst to name a few. This is a 6 ounce bottle and on the front you have the Orangette logo at the top and in the middle.
Here is the back of the bottle where you have the logo at the top and it also lists the ingredients and where it was bottled and the year. This one was bottled in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Here is a close up view of the Orangette logo at the top of the bottle.
Here is a close up of the ingredients as well as the year and where it was bottled.


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